The Anson Alcohol Drip or spray Bottle makes it easy to add a precise amount of Isopropyl (91% or greater) to your surface area for glue removal. Crafted from a chemically-resistant material,...
Mini slide hammer has a great overall weight to size ratio 2 lbs. Also features two rubber bumpers at each end of the slide. Teflon seals will insure smooth gliding...
Tabweld and Atlas Kit. Two of the best names in glue systems come together for this great kit designed for mixed damage. you get 10 sticks of Tabweld and 45...
PDR Outlet Mini Lifter - this dent removal mini lifter has been trusted by PDR technicians for many years and works well with many different dent repair glue tabs. non-passthrough...
The Anson Combo mini all stainless steel slide hammer has the perfect balance of weight and size, weighing in at just 2 lbs. It also boasts a durable rubber bumper...
TP Mini Lifter - Inspired by Tom Price Legends PDR, this dent removal mini lifter has been trusted by PDR technicians for many years and works well with many different...