WHITE Compression Head Flat Tab 15mm 5pcThe head design features a ring style that flexes ever so slightly to help throw the inertia created by the pull towards the shaft,...
Plain Jane PDR glue tab that is round and convex in shape. These blue glue tabs are made from a blue plastic that has more flexibility than that of other...
Skinny Crease Reaper Reverse Step Hex Tabs combine the amazing Glue Pull Repair Technology developed by KECO with a design twist from Dent Reaper. These PDR Glue Tabs really pull!...
Add on edge foot for the Re-tension system. These feet are extra, they are not part of the system in the basic set. These feet are designed to glue over...
The latest innovation in tab technology from KECO. The new HINGE tabs bring versatility and strength that was previously not possible for using GPR to correct pillars, dog legs, door...
This Dead Dent Tools UV tabs 5 pieces, with each UV tab utilizing the renowned root beer molds and UV material for an extremely durable design.
5 - 26mm Oval