Aussie PDR Bloody Orange glue tabs master variety pack comes with a total of 16 pieces, one of each of the slick face round glue tabs and one of each...
Anson Collision Crease crusher tabs are heavy-duty durable plastic designed for superior pulling performance. The slight ribbed face allows your favorite collision glues to adhere like no other tab on the market. The slightly...
Since Spring 2017, research of inserts and material testing have been performed to perfect the Tequila Tabs for 2018. The material used in the production of these dent repair tabs...
Anson UV Orange Smooth glue tabs. They are engineered for strong pulls and low attrition rate. Made from orthopedic grade plastic new to our industry. The PDR glue tabs have a feature...
Anson UV Orange 13mm Smooth glue tabs. They are engineered for strong pulls and low attrition rate. Made from orthopedic grade plastic new to our industry. The PDR glue tabs have...
This Dead Dent Tools UV tabs Variety Pack includes 8 pieces, with each UV tab utilizing the renowned root beer molds and UV material for an extremely durable design. Round...