The Tequila crown buster soft tips are designed to fit on to the R-4 style ball tool tips. Custom molded urethane material will outlast most tip covers. They will fit...
Tequila Tools Door Lord Hub sharp door tools are available individually or sets. 5 inch kick from heal to tip. 10"-3/8 15"-3/8 20"-7/16 25"-7/16 30" 7/16 Sets are available without handle,...
Tactical Guerilla Grip is 4 handles in one. from full length to small hand tool, this one handle does it all. Made of high strength aircraft grade stainless steel. This...
PDR Outlet Mini Lifter - this dent removal mini lifter has been trusted by PDR technicians for many years and works well with many different dent repair glue tabs. non-passthrough...
Anson PDR Black Window Guard - This Dent Repair window guard is made out of a durable Polycarbonate plastic that has a wide lip to help protect the dent removal...